
By EJKatz


 The Joke.


Jim entered the bullpen searching for his Guide.


"Where is he?"  He demanded of Brown who wandered past.




"That little sneak..  You!"  Jim pointed to the culprit.  "Come here, you little brat."


"Ahhh!  Jim!"  With a neat little hop, skip and jump Blair took off the other direction with a furious Sentinel hard on his heels.


"Yeah you run, Sandburg.  I know where you live!  No one borrows my truck, does that and lives."


Laughter followed the pair as they raced through the corridors.


In the parking lot sat a blue and white pickup, covered in thick, black mud.




Blair grumbled as he aimed the spray at the soap covered truck.  He knew that he'd messed the truck by taking it through the back fields of Julie's place but he couldn't resist the mud puddles big enough to swim in.


He grinned at the look on Jim's face when he saw the mess.  The grin quickly turned became a frown at the punishment meted out by Jim.


It wasn't fair that he had to clean the truck and loft. 


His grumbling stopped as Jim came out from the lobby of their building.


The grin returned.


The hose aimed.






Jim grinned from the balcony as he watched his young trouble-making friend grumbling at his punishment.  He deserved it for what he'd done.


That truck was a classic.  His 'Sweetheart'. To mess with it was to mess with Jim.


He could faintly here the grumbling but couldn't make out the words.  With a resolved smile he made his way downstairs to help Blair out.


He pushed open the door, not seeing the maleficent grin the transformed his roommate's face.  He didn't notice the redirection of the hose, or the steady stream of water until it hit him dead on.




Jim's Revenge


Blair glanced nervously at his roommate on the loveseat opposite him.  He was engrossed in the program on TV but Blair couldn't help wondering what form of revenge Jim was plotting.


After their impromptu waterfight, Blair expected some sort of comeback. Instead, Jim offered him the first shower, made dinner and had not said anything, at all.


This meant he was planning something big.


With a resigned sigh, Blair rose.  "I'm heading for bed, Jim. I'll see you in the morning."


"Sleep well, Chief."


Blair got ready for bed and slipped between the cool sheets.  Sort of.


What the....




Muddy Trucks and Short Sheets


"This is childish.  Even for you."  Blair grouched, turning back the covers, revealing folded sheets.  "This is something you do at camp.  What, making me wash the truck wasn't enough.  Had to go one further."


Jim couldn't help grinning as he listened to his roommate fixing his sheets. He hadn't shortsheeted anyone since Stevie.  He didn't feel guilty. Considering, he's the one Blair'd soaked and HIS truck covered in mud.


He knew Blair enjoyed this childish behavior as a release from regular daily stress.  He tuned back as Blair climbed into the remade bed. 


"I'm gonna get you, my pretty!"


A Pie in Hand


"Hey Chief, Smells good in here," Jim called as he opened the front door to the loft. The delectable scents from their kitchen had been teasing him since he'd climbed out of his nice clean truck outside.  They had tantalized his nose, drawing him upwards, promising something wonderful for dinner.


Blair came out from his room under the loft and smiled in greeting. "Hey Jim. Dinner's almost ready. How was your day? Sorry I didn't make it but… well I thought this might make up for it."


"Sure does if that is what I think it is."


"Lasagna and yes, there is meat in it. With a whipped Lemon pie for dessert. Go have a shower first.


"Sounds great Chief."


Blair watched Jim head upstairs to grab a change of clothes before heading to the bathroom. A few minutes later Jim was showered changed and they ate the meal Blair had painstakingly slaved over. The pie was tart and sweet, just as Jim loved. The whipped topping was obviously not artificial but made with sweet jersey cream that Blair purchased at the specialty store two blocks over.


Vaguely he wondered what he'd done to deserve this kind of treatment. He was still waiting for retaliation for the short sheeting he'd given Blair a week earlier.  Something would give and soon, he just knew it.


But the evening continued peacefully. And by ten o'clock he'd forgotten all about it and they retired, Jim to sleep and Blair to his room to work a few more hours on his grading.


An hour later, Blair flipped the switch on the portable white noise generator. He stifled the need to giggle insanely. This was the best one yet, he thought.


He crept slowly up the steps, a large mixing bowl in his hands.  Jim lay on his back; his right hand flung to one side the other tucked under his head.  'Perfect.'


Slowly and carefully, Blair spooned dollops of the rich whipped cream he'd made earlier on Jim's right hand. Nary a twitch.  So much for sentinel senses when you trust your guide this much, Blair said silently to himself.  When he finished he placed the bowl on the floor out of the way and pulled a long slender feather from his back pocket.


He lightly ran it across the bridge of Jim's nose. A twitch again but nothing else.   He turned the feather slightly to drag the tip across the upper lip and across Jim's cheeks. A larger twitch.


He lightened his stroke but kept going. His eyes tuned to Jim's hand. When he saw it move, he stroked once more, then stepped back, just as Jim's hand reached out to slap his face. Whipped cream splattered everywhere. Jim woke with a yell but Blair was already halfway down the stairs.


"SANDBURG!" Jim bellowed. Only giggles answered as Blair slammed his door closed.  "I am going to get you, don't you sleep, Sandburg, I will get you when you least expect it."


Jim rose to clean up even as he laughed himself.  The last of the tension he'd had over the week finally dissipated, leaving him feeling more relaxed and better than he had in a long while. Even with whipped cream all over his face and in his bed.


The Flying Touch


"Tell me you didn't?" Simon snorted a laugh.  "I take it he hasn't found your little joke yet?"


"Not yet, but soon, I suspect.  Things have been tough around here lately for all of us. I guess this has helped release a little tension, but damn if I don't feel 10 years old again."  Jim grinned.


"Yeah, you hate it too, right?" Simon nodded, amused. The infectious attitude between his best detective and their police observer had translated over to the rest of the crew and while they had yet to join into the little practical jokes, the tension that had been building in the bullpen after weeks of difficult cases had in fact eased, alot.


"Hey Jim," Brown poked his nose into Simon's open office door.  "You might want to hide. I think Hairboy found your little surprise on the flagpole outside. I don't think he's amused either, Bro."


At that same moment, Blair entered the bullpen, carrying a handful of brightly coloured boxers and briefs.


"Ellison!" he called, fist waving. "You are like SO dead!"


Ellison took off, followed by the laughter of all the guys in the bullpen and one voice above the others promising dire retribution.


Bullpen Thoughts


"This has been going on for weeks, you say?" Rhonda asked. She'd just returned from a month-long European honeymoon with her new husband.


"Yeah. It started with Blair borrowing Jim's truck to go puddle jumping," Rafe started, laughingly.


"And conveniently forgetting to wash it before Jim found out," H added. "When washing the truck, Blair hosed Jim down good…"


"So Ellison short-sheeted the kid's bed."


"What'd Blair do?"  Rhonda couldn't help asking, her body shook with laughter.


"Blair got him with a whipped-cream pie in the hand and feather to the face trick."


"They're acting like kids at camp." Rhonda chortled, gleefully.


"Yeah, then Jim got Blair back by hangin' his underwear from the flagpole." H snickered at the image of Blair, his underwear in hand and Ellison taking off out the backdoor of Simon's office. He shared and they all laughed, ignoring the strange glances from others in the breakroom.


"It's been good, though. Couple'a tough cases had everyone a little strung out until this started. Kinda makes me wonder if Blair did this intentionally, ya'know." Brown said, reflectively.


"Well even if he didn't it's been good." They all agreed wholeheartedly, wondering if they too couldn't join the fun.


Major Mischief


H heard the soft snigger and risked a sharp glance at his partner. Rafe grinned and nodded before hiding his face back in the paperwork littering his desk. H shook his head but he couldn't quite keep the grin off his own face.


Blair had skipped out of the bullpen, headed for the bathroom a few minutes earlier but there hadn't been a peep yet so neither Brown nor Rafe was sure whether their practical joke had been found yet or not.  A soft rustling sound brought H's attention up to see his boss leaving the bullpen.  He didn't think anything much of it and returned to work.  A stifled gasp from across the desk brought his head up and a muffled thump, a gasp and a tiny 'oh shit' sent chills down his back.


"Okay, who the hell thought this one up?" asked an angry and thoroughly soaked Captain Banks from the doorway.  Behind him stood a completely dry and totally baffled Blair Sandburg, holding up his hands in complete denial and backing away. Brown rose and grabbed a file, seconds later Rafe followed, both men hoping to escape the notice of their captain.


"Oh, boys… "


Oops, busted!


Simon's Turn


It was early, the sun barely risen. The bullpen was empty.  Of course as Captain, when he sent people on errands they usually did them. Unless your name was Blair Sandburg, then count on getting sidetracked by a pretty face. Simon grinned at that thought but continued with his plans.  In one hand he carried a small paper bag.


He made his way quickly to Brown and Rafe's desks. He worked for several minutes. Cackling to himself, he returned to his office.


For a brief second he felt annoyed with himself that he could stoop so low as to join ranks with his men and pull practical jokes, but he had to admit there was something freeing about playing these juvenial pranks. And in the last week, things had taken an ugly turn yet again. Besides it was all harmless fun, really. Simon sat back, waiting for the show to start. 


Brown and Rafe returned from booking.  After several minutes, H pulled his top drawer open.


Suddenly, three long, brown 'things' flew up at his face.


"Yahhhhh!" H jumped back, falling flat on his backside.  Simon howled as the rubber snakes fell across Brown as he scrambled to get away.